
No matter which languages and literatures you choose for your first and second concentration, as a Global and Comparative Literature major you can benefit from well-published, dynamic, and dedicated faculty members who always keep students’ learning at the top of their concerns. The selectivity of our program, our small class size and the special emphasis we place on personal attention to our students guarantee an intense student/faculty interaction. Moreover, because we only grant the B.A. degree, our undergraduates do not compete with graduate students for a professor’s time.

The Global and Comparative Literature Program relies on the work of a Core Committee and benefits from the additional contribution of numerous faculty members in foreign languages, English and the humanities at large, who periodically teach cross-listed or Comparative-Literature designated courses, and who act as mentors for the Global and Comparative Literature majors’ senior theses.


Emily Francomano
Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese


Jennifer Boum Make
Associate Professor, Department of French and Francophone Studies

Irina Denischenko
Assistant Professor, Department of Slavic Languages; Women’s and Gender Studies Program

Tania Gentic 
Associate Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese

Philip Kafalas
Associate Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures

Susanna Lee
Professor, Department of French and Francophone Studies

Ricardo Ortiz
Associate Professor, Department of English 

Nicoletta Pireddu
Director, Georgetown Humanities Initiative
Professor, Department of Italian Studies

Nicole Rizzuto
Associate Professor, Department of English

Kyle Shernuk
Assistant Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures

Andrew Sobanet
Professor, Department of French and Francophone Studies

Interim Dean, Georgetown College of Arts & Sciences


Frank Ambrosio
Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy

Jacques Berlinerblau 
Professor and Rabbi Harold White Chair, Center for Jewish Civilization 

Molly Borowitz
Assistant Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese

Elliott Colla
Associate Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies

Mary Dupree
Associate Professor, Department of German

Friederike Eigler
Professor, Department of German

Philip Ivanhoe
Professor and Chair, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures

Sarah McNamer
Professor, Department of English

Marden Nichols
Associate Professor, Department of Classics

Meital Orr
Assistant Professor, Center of Jewish Civilization

Cóilín Parsons
Director, Global Irish Studies
Associate Professor, Department of English

Terry Pinkard
University Professor, Department of Philosophy 

Maya Roth
Associate Professor, Theater
Artistic Director, Davis Center for Performing Arts

Suzanne Stetkevych
Qaboos Bin Said Professor, Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies

Kate Withy
Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy